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Kodi topic


19 feb 2013
Skank zei:
wat ga je in de plaats nemen?
Als ik eens de goesting vind, de backport van de default kodi 17
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Well-Known Member
19 feb 2013
Philip zei:
Ik switch vaak tussen skins, maar blijf meestal terugkeren naar Confluence because it's "just right". Nooit een skin gevonden die me beter kon bekoren, behalve nu Unity dan

Maar de nieuwe default skin, Estuary wordt ook super.
dat heb ik ook maar dan naar aeon mq 7 (en vorige versies)
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Well-Known Member
19 feb 2013
Kodi 16.1 – Jarvis – Mark XVI

24Apr 15 Comments » Posted By: Martijn on Apr 24, 2016 in Release Announcements
Once a ‘final’ version is released some new bugs and/or problems usually appear out of nowhere, and this release is no exception. Even though tens of thousands of users were already testing the 16.0 version before release and we as team trying very hard to prevent any problems, as soon as millions start using the released version some problems we either did not think of or which we did not notice before pop up. To counter some of these new issues, we’re bringing you this maintenance release called 16.1 which has some additional fixes on top of the 16.0 It should be ok to just install this on top of your current Kodi 16.0 version without uninstalling previous version. For the MySQL users out there; we never bump the database versions in our bugfix or maintenance releases – you can safely keep using it within your network. Fixes done in 16.1
  • • Never cache addons directories
  • • Fix typo when calculating forced ratio size
  • • AndroidStorageProvider: Ignore /mnt/runtime and don’t call Exists all the way every some 500 ms as this will affect performance
  • • Set of fixes for DirectX rendering
  • • Fixed crash under JSON-RPC on iOS/OSX
  • • 20% performance gain on opening EPG guide window
  • • Add missing libgif.so to the Android package
  • • Fix Kodi freezing if no ADSP add-on is present
  • • EventServer security fix by only allowing localhost
  • • Fix possible lockup when entering EPG grid
  • • Fix possible problems with rendering on Windows
  • • Fix possible non working key presses after a key long press
  • • Don’t do a video chapter skip if there’s only one chapter
  • • Fix possible lock up by increasing timeout to let screensavers properly exit
  • • Fix render capture (bookmark images) on certain hardware with DXVA on Windows
  • • Fix problem in ZeroConfBrowser that could cause problems on exit
  • • Fix crash one OSX 10.7 when trying to resolve HDD names
  • • Fix possible crashes when using VAAPI and DXVA video rendering
  • • Fix song reported on playback of songs from cuesheet
The complete technical list can be found on our Github milestones.
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26 nov 2014
Heb enkele dagen geleden Aeon MQ 6 geïnstalleerd en er is toch iets dat ik mis. Als je bij de default skin en film op bv. minuut 40 stopt en je wilt daarna verder kijken krijg je de keuze tussen vanaf dat punt verder te kijken of vanaf het begin. Bij MQ6 zit die optie precies niet, is toch iets dat ik zeer jammer vindt.
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Well-Known Member
19 feb 2013
Dat is toch niet skin afhankelijk? Zit je op juiste versie? Mq 6 is er nt vr jarvis he, daarvoor heb je modded skin vr nodig
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26 nov 2014
Dat dacht ik dus ook dat dat niet afhankelijk van de skin was, maar toch werkt het niet. Ik zit op 15.2 Isengard.
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26 nov 2014
Heb daarnet nog eens getest en nu doet hij het wel. Voorlopig ga ik niet updaten aangezien alles werkt zoals het hoort momenteel, dus zie er niet meteen het nut van in.
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Well-Known Member
19 feb 2013
MQ7 zal voor het eerst ook een vertical menu hebben

<woltlab-metacode data-name="media" data-attributes="">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GY4nLqRG87c</woltlab-metacode>
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Well-Known Member
Home-Theater Goud
11 dec 2013
Sinds ik Kodi naar laatste versie heb gebracht zit ik met een eigenaardig probleemke: ik bedien alles met logitech ultimate remote (via flirc usb dongle). Geluid gaat via sonos playbar. Als ik dus naar Kodi switch en wil nadien bv terug TV kijken, dan kan ik het geluid niet meer bedienen via de logitech remote. Ik moet dan de remote en hub heropstarten opdat de sonos terug bedienbaar is. Alle andere toestellen blijven reageren. Dit gebeurt dus enkel nadat ik Kodi gebruikt heb - en dit probleem heeft zich nooit eerder voorgedaan en is er gekomen na de update van Kodi.

Iemand een idee/suggestie? thx alvast!
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Well-Known Member
19 feb 2013
10 days till first v17 “Krypton” alpha release

21Jun 36 Comments » Posted By: Martijn on Jun 21, 2016 in Dev Journal
We have been quiet for quite some time as our last official release announcement was about Kodi v16.1 “Jarvis” bugfix release end of April. We can assure we have not been sitting still as work for v17 progressed in a steadily pace. Our developers have actually been working on v17 since early December as a large part of our code base has been ripped out, put through the grinder and put back in a way that makes Kodi future proof which enables new and exciting possibilities. To be honest we actually wanted to do this upcoming alpha release a bit sooner (1st of May). However since we hit some code issues we decided to skip that date to first solve the problems. Next one was 1st of June however I was on holiday for some weeks and I guess we skipped that date as well. Fast forward to present day and all looks good to go and bring you the first “official” v17 alpha build which you as user can install and take for a test drive. Maybe not that exciting as some of you know we always build nightly version so you could have installed it whenever you wanted to. Still such a release marks a special milestone as it also means we’re gearing up for getting it out the door as a final version. This may still take some months though so don’t get your hopes up yet. Krypton…. Since the dawn of time, or at least since 2008 each released version has received a code name next to the version number. Giving each development iteration a code name in a certain category is kind of a tradition that is not only applicable for software but also for hardware. Google does so for Android and Intel also names their chips. Who are we to break this tradition and as such we follow in their steps with a theme that started out with mythical places or names. For our v17 release we actually let the public chose the name and with an overwhelming majority they chose the name “Krypton”. Looking back so far at what our small team of developers has done to the code the name Krypton certainly gives a certain emphasis to it that fits. As you may have noticed it took quite some time before we came out with our first Kodi v17 alpha 1 and we have some very good reasons for that. Several years ago we set a path that we wanted to improve our codebase instead of just slapping on new features and this release will certainly be no exception to that goal. Certain parts of our code underwent a complete overhaul or in some cases even went through a blender to be almost rebuild from the ground up. Normally we highlight the main improvements for each alpha release however this time we will have to split that up in several blogs as there’s simply too much to mention in one go. More of that will be published over the coming weeks. The improvements so far in v17 Well I guess you’ll find out soon enough by either giving it a try or wait till we do an extensive write up of most of the changes done. I say most changes cause there are far too many to even list and the the number keeps growing. One of them was already announced earlier this year which is the new default skin (read here). Looking forward to the changes and want to try it out? You can hold of for a few days till the “official” alpha is released or already download one of the nightly versions and install it. Only difference might be that we added some additional fixes in the mean time which are also included in the nightly versions. The download links are listed at the bottom of this blog or you can jump straight to the one and only official download location https://kodi.tv/download/ Remember that these builds are still not ready for daily use unless you know what you are doing and want to help us do some testing. So far we have done most of the testing ourselves with the great help of the forum community that provided valuable feedback. With these alpha builds we try to gain some more attention to the general public and hopefully you are willing to help us further improve the stability of Kodi in general. These builds can simply be installed on top of your current Kodi installation. WARNING: Do make a backup of your userdata before proceeding as that gives you ability to go back. Enough said. Downloads links are at the bottom… The most awesome surprise in years……. Over the years we have been playing with some random awesome and insane ideas that never came to life. Either they were to complicated, lack of skill sor we simply forgot about it as it took too long to realise. In the coming days however we will announce one of these ideas that has actually been talked about, worked on, discussed a lot and has actually been finished as well. It is something that’s way out of our comfort zone so we hope that this big surprise will be something you as users will be enjoying as much as we will. What it is? Well it’s a *SPOILER ALERT* </strong>that can be use to *SPOILER ALERT*<strong>. more info follow this link Call out for developers As you may or may not know is that Kodi is maintained by a group of volunteers since its first inception dating back to the original XBOX days. Over the years many volunteers have spent countless days if not months on every aspects of what makes Kodi great. This consist of writing and maintaining the code base of Kodi, expanding to new platforms, maintaining the forum, wiki, website and download server and more…… So why do we need you? Well the fact is that over the years the core team of Kodi has remained about the same size while the amount of users went from couple of thousand to many, many millions. Not forgetting the fact that it went from only a XBOX application to what is now running on Linux, Windows, iOS, OSX, Android. All this still with the same amount of people. Now comes the time that we will actually start calling out for some help. To put it simple we want to ensure that Kodi remains alive on all platforms while at the same time lowering the support burden each developer now faces these days. Each of the core developers has his own specialty and since Kodi is quite big you quickly run out of developers that know enough of certain sections. Add to that the changes needed for each operating system upgrade that happens and all the problems that arise with that. To put it in perspective we basically have only 1 developer for each section or even complete platform. As already mentioned the entire team consists of volunteers which means everything is done in their spare time next to having an actual day time job and a personal life. This results in having only a few hours at most to spend on what they see as their hobby which i can say they are passionate about. Over the years the team consisted of many different developers who gave all they could but due to whatever reason had to change priorities which resulted in not spending time in Kodi anymore. So in short what we are looking for are C/C++ developers who are willing to put in some of their spare time in maintaining and improving our core code. This can either be doing some minor bugfixing, reviewing existing pull requests for code contributions or even creating some of their own code refactoring or feature additions. It really doesn’t matter if you are just a student just starting out on C/C++ or are already a senior programmer. We would welcome anyone who is willing to do their part on any improvement that is needed. A fair warning is that our codebase isn’t for the faint hearted as it’s quite massive and we are quite strict regarding code review before we merge anything. However don’t let this frighten you off as our current (or outside developers) will certainly give you pointers on improvements to get it included. What we currently need most are developers with knowledge of the following components to improve current implementations to ensure the future of Kodi as a whole:
  • • Windows DirectX11 / audio / video
  • • Android NDK / audio / video
  • • iOS & OSX / audio / video
  • • General knowledge of C/C++ and willing to do some coding in areas of their interest.
For the moment the biggest problem is our Android version which lacks the attention it needs. The audio part is mostly in good shape however the video playback part needs some attention. Any bugfix patch can be send to our main github code repository for review straight away. If you are not sure or want to take on a bigger task or change feel free to open up a thread on our forum where you write down your proposal to get some initial feedback. Wiki pages to get you started: http://kodi.wiki/view/Development Forum: Developer sucbsection Code on Github: https://github.com/xbmc/xbmc Conclusion Should you want to download and install this build please visit our download page.
Please report any problems on our forum http://forum.kodi.tv and not on the release announcement.
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Home-Theater Goud
24 apr 2014
Philip zei:
OpenElec 6.0 met Kodi 15.2 is ondertussen uitgekomen. Mensen met een Chromebox kunnen best upgraden naar een custom OpenElec build met een nieuwe (superieure) rendering engine. Meer info op: http://kodi.wiki/view/Chromebox en http://forum.kodi.tv/showthread.php?tid=231955.

Bijkomend voordeel is dat er ook een aantal andere fixes zijn. Met de normale OpenElec 6 draait mijn fan bv aan 100% na ontwaken uit suspend...

De update vind je hier: http://fritsch.fruehberger.net/openelec/v15_2_EGL/chromebox
Ik heb sinds november nog amper in de HT gezeten, maar sinds de laatste maand kijk ik terug regelmatig. Ik zie dat m'n Chromebox vanzelf geupdate is naar OpenElec 6.0 met Kodi 15.2.

Maar nu gebeurd het vaak dat als ik een film start, dat er "working" blijft staan terwijl de film al speelt. Soms gaat het na 30 seconden weg en soms moet ik gewoon de Chromebox resetten. Terwijl dat dialoog er op komt, reageert hij ook helemaal nergens op. En zelfs als dat working ding er niet staat, gebeurd het nog vaak dat m'n menu's niet reageren terwijl er een film speelt. Als er geen film speelt, heb ik nergens problemen.

Kan ik van OpenElec 6.0 updaten naar LivreElec 7.0 zonder m'n configuratie te verliezen? Of is het aangeraden om nog bij OpenElec 6.0 te blijven?
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Well-Known Member
18 nov 2014
Hmm, ik gebruik zelf de Chromebox ook al een hele tijd niet meer (Shield TV + PS4 voor BR). Maar normaal kan je niet "gewoon" updaten tussen major versies.

Beste dat je doet denk ik, is een backup maken van je huidige OpenELEC setup, dan LibreELEC 7 installeren en je backup terugplaatsen. In het OpenELEC menu is er normaal een optie voor backups te maken/restoren.

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Well-Known Member
Home-Theater Goud
11 dec 2013
Welke skin vinden jullie het best/coolst (werken)?
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Well-Known Member
18 nov 2014
Momenteel Unity. En na de nieuwe release misschien Estuary (nieuwe default).
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Well-Known Member
Home-Theater Goud
11 dec 2013
Dom vraagje wellicht: hoe heet die knop (hieronder met de rode pijl) op de remote app - dat is eigenlijk een "right click" als je op een item staat in Kodi Probleem is dat ik die nergens gekoppeld heb/zie op de harmony remote en ik die er wil bijzetten... iemand een idee? ik dacht aan "contextmenu" maar dat blijkt niet te werken?



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